Monday, August 31, 2009

Start your adventurous life. Now!

One way to discover whether you are adventurous is to take our quiz.

Another way is to ask yourself when was the last time you left your comfort zone? After all, being 'adventurous' is really about expanding your life in any direction. You can be adventurous in the kitchen, in travel, in recreation, in parenting or in your career. Adventure is exploring the unknown and pursuing something outside your daily life. That is why and adventure is so much fun. Because it is new and different. It brightens your life by being 'unusual' and 'out-of-the-ordinary.'

If it is so simple to be adventurous than why don't more of us do it? One reason, is that as we get older and responsibilities set in we loose our sense of playfulness. Recent studies have shown that people who still 'play' are more creative in life and hence, do better in problem-solving. Another reason is that we tend to play it 'safe' or 'close to home' as we get older. Perhaps, we have heard too many horror stories or simply can't find the effort to embark on something new. However, more studies have shown that the more we 'challenge ourselves' to do something new, the more energy we have in all aspects of life. Its really a 'win, win.'

So what is the first hurdle to an adventurous life? The first hurdle is getting started. Whether you are staring a new adventure in buying a house, starting a family, starting a diet, or an exercise routine the first step is the biggest. And then it's about the momentum to keep your adventure rolling.

For example, if you've always dreamed of going on an African Safari, the first steps will be getting a passport, looking for outfitters, and putting together the finances. The finances may be the most difficult part but if you decide your daily pocket change will go into the 'piggy bank' for your safari you'll be surprised how fast it adds up. And guess what? The adventure has already started just by the preparation.

Now that you know you're actively saving for your trip, you can cut out articles, read books on the destination (and all the while keep setting aside your change). What has happened is you broke away from an old routine and begun an new one - an adventure.

Ask yourself today, what is it that you really want to do? Once you've decided then you have your adventure. Then you just need to begin tackling it. Remember: the adventure is in the journey as well as the destination.

What adventure do you want to explore?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Welcome to our Adventurology Academy

Adventurology Academy
Adventure Woman University
"Adventurology is the serious study of adventure."

The Adventure Academy helps you learn to have an adventurous and fulfilling life. The Academy is located at the Basecamp of Adventure Woman University. By attending the Adventurology Academy you can earn your Bachelor's Degree in Adventurology (fabulously fictitious), and create a fun, exciting and adventurous life for yourself.

Classes are free, and are offered at this Blog site. Tests of 'adventurousness' are self-administered and you can judge for yourself whether you 'pass' or 'fail' any given adventure exam. Homework is recommended but not required. Obviously, you will progress faster if you do your homework.

Adventurology classes are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. No registration is required, just show up and read the Adventurology Blog (Just showing-up is 90% of life). The Fall Term begins on August 31, 2009.