Monday, September 14, 2009

Adventures in the Kitchen

For those adventurers who are looking for something exciting inside the house, there is nothing more thrilling than trying out a new recipe.

Bring the kids in on the experience and it will be a real roller coaster ride into the culinary world of 'thrills and spills.' Kids, love to cook, and cooking has many benefits not always easily identified at first blush.

First, the kids need to select a recipe (with your approval) and then if you're really adventurous shop for the ingredients together. Let the kids try to locate the items in the grocery story by themselves. Next, have them read the recipe and get out the measuring tools. Believe it or not, all of these '1/2 cups and 1/4 teaspoons' are great practice for mathematics (especially practicing fractions).

Everyone loves to stir the bowl and lick the spoon. Can you blame them? Let the kids set the timer and wait for it to ring (an exercise in responsibility). And then let the treat cool when it comes out of the oven (an exercise in patience).

There are so many creative and fun cookbooks now-a-days. Let the everyone explore their creative side and make imaginative and unique creations. Have a contest among yourselves in catagories you create. Everyone's a winner.

If you don't want to eat all of the delicious items you made, bring them to school the next day as a treat for the teacher or the often forgotten school secretary. Or give them to someone who is homebound. You will have a terrific time and brighten someone else's day. And that makes you go from feeling good to great!

Looking for inspiration? Try "Hello, Cupcake!" by Karen Tack & Alan Richardson. You'll be opting for a very big adventure in fun and food.

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