Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Adventures in Fashion

Adventures don't always have to be about travel.

Fashion is a great example of personal expression and creativity - daring to be your own individual.

Today it seems people are increasingly casual in their attitude toward fashion. Of course there are the devotees but if you walk through an airport or mall you'll see more people in sweatpants and jeans than stylish pants and skirts.

Speaking of a fashion day in history. Today in 1914, the first-ever fashion show was organized by Edna Woodman Chase of Vogue Magazine. The show was appropriately held in New York City at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Take the time to be more 'adventurous' in your fashion-style. You'll be surprised how many people notice and are inspired by a well put together outfit. Raise the bar for yourself and others. When you look good you feel good - and that's reason enough to take the time to be a bit more daring.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! A young lady I met in Sisters, Oregon always amazed me by "dressing" for dinner - in the mountains, in winter, in snow! Didn't matter to her - she dressed appropriately for the occasion, and they were always GRAND! I've tried to take that lesson from her, though I'm still more at home in jeans and tees!
